Liz Truss says she wanted Boris Johnson to ‘carry on as Prime Minister’
Appearing on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme she said: “I wanted Boris to carry on as prime minister.”
Tory leadership hopeful Liz Truss says it was her wish for law-breaking, lying and bigoted Boris Johnson to carry on as prime minister, despite the ‘mistakes’ he made during his premiership.
Truss made the comments after making it onto the final ballot of two candidates to be put before the Tory membership.
Appearing on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme she said: “I wanted Boris to carry on as prime minister.
“I think he did a fantastic job with the 2019 election, winning us a massive majority. He delivered Brexit, he delivered the vaccines.
“Regrettably, we got to a position where he didn’t command the support of our parliamentary party.”
Presenter Nick Robinson then questioned Truss’ judgement. He told her: “To be clear — despite the rule breaking, despite the law breaking, despite what many people now are perfectly comfortable describing as lies told about what he did and what he knew on certain occasions — your judgment was Boris Johnson remained fit to be prime minister?”
Truss replied: “My judgment was that he admitted that he had made a mistake — or several mistakes — over the course of the last year, but the positive side of the balance sheet was extremely positive.”
Basit Mahmood is editor of Left Foot Forward
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