Boris Johnson told to ‘turn up for work’ after skipping heatwave crisis meetings to host chequers party
The prime minister has “clearly clocked off”
The prime minister has been told to turn up for work after skipping emergency Cobra meetings on the heatwave crisis to host a party at his luxury chequers retreat.
Johnson is now expected to miss his third crisis meeting in a row on the life-threatening heatwave, with the latest meeting which will be held at 2.30pm, chaired by Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster Kit Malthouse.
Rather than help lead the response, the prime minister has already clocked off, despite staying in office till September.
Shadow communities secretary Lisa Nandy said the prime minister has “clearly clocked off” since announcing his resignation, adding: “And so have many of his ministers in his government.”
Johnson has been accused of going missing in action as the heatwave hits the UK, with rising temperatures putting lives at risk.
Labour’s deputy leader Angela Rayner has said: “Boris Johnson has gone missing in action again. He’s back to his old tricks of skipping important Cobra meetings.
“Where’s the plan for the delivery of essential services and how people will be kept safe at work, on transport, in schools, hospitals and care homes?
“The public will have no confidence in this zombie Conservative government responding swiftly and decisively to this national emergency as this disgraced Prime Minister prepares to party while Britain boils.”
Basit Mahmood is editor of Left Foot Forward
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