Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Basic Laws!

Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Basic Laws!

What does the FMLA law stands for?

It stands for The Family And Medical Leave Act.

The FMLA law states that any emplyer anywhere in the US must grant its employees up to twelve weeks of unpaid leave within a 12 month period and have the right to be brought back to the job with no problems what so ever.

Who is eligible for the FMLA law?

In order to be eligible for this law and get paid up to twelve weeks, an employee must work at their job for at least 1,250 hours and for at least a year. However, if your work place has less then 50 workers at the work site or within 75 miles then you are not eligible for anything that has to do with the FMLA law.

Regarding the FMLA, leave is only available for the following reasons:

1. When a child is born and the parent must care for that child.

2. When the employee has a serious medical condition that affect his or her work and can not work.

3. When the employee must take care of a child, parent, or a spouse that is in serious medical condition.

4. When the employee decides to adapt a child and need to take care of things.

Now, since the leave time is limited to 12 weeks, the employee does not have to take all this time off at once. They are able to take time off anytime during a twelve month period. When the leave is for a birth of a child or adaption, then this person must take this time off consecutively. However, when the leave relates to some sort of a medical condition of either the employee himself or a serious health condition of a family member, in-consistent leave is available.

Does the FMLA law require the employee to get paid?

No, this law does not require the employer to pay an employee during his or hers leave period. Unless the employer tells their employee that they will need to use their accrued paid vacation or even vice-versa.

What about health coverage?

If the employer provides health insurance coverage to his employees, they must continue to provide health insurance with no additional charge during the absance of the employee from work.

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